We Specialize in Patents
Patent Firm in Greenville,SC and Hendersonville,NC
The team at Patent Filing Specialist, Inc (PFSI) has its roots in corporate research and development. From that perspective grows the desire to partner with clients to maximize Intellectual Property (IP) protection for corporate success.
Effective IP protection is not an event but a process initiated by the first realization of a problem to be solved culminating with a comprehensive patent portfolio. By utilizing the expertise of Patent Filing Specialist, Inc professionals early, the process of perfecting a global IP portfolio is seamless, thorough and far more efficient.

Meet Our Professionals

Joseph Guy Ph.D.
Joe has extensive experience in research and product development in corporate and government laboratories. He has been responsible for over 500 issued US patents with an emphasis on material science including pharmaceuticals, medical products, ceramic products, electronic components, lithium ion battery components and specialty chemicals. Read more..

Tammi Clemment
Tammi Clemment is our client relations manager. She is often the first point of contact for our clients. Ms. Clemment has more than 20 years experience in filing patent applications and resolving complex prosecution issues across the globe.

Kirk Wilson
Kirk is a successful engineer, inventor, and patent agent with experience in corporate and government laboratories. He is the inventor on numerous issued U.S. patents. His expertise in product design and development coupled with his experience in protecting complex engineering systems makes him a valuable resource. Read more..
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